01484 600384


Lepton C.E. Primary Academy

Class 1

Week Beginning 13th July 2020

Hi everyone!
Wow, I cannot believe this is the last week of the school year already! It feels like time has gone by so quickly. I have filmed a video message for you which contains some exciting news!
Can't wait to see you all again very soon!
Miss Wright xx

This week's activities:
Here are some activities to complete this week. If you need the Espresso login details, they are Username: Student30918 Password: lepton.

Miss Wright & Mrs Minns' groups will be looking at a couple more sounds before we finish for summer. The sounds we will learn are ea (pronounced e) and . Have a look at these videos and games.

Video 1
Video 2

Game 1
Game 2

Your spellings are: eat, bread, head, peach, what, path, baby


Mrs Hirst's group are recapping Phase 3 sounds ure and er.

Video 1
Video 2

Your spellings are: dinner, letter, cure, pure, insure, summer, banner


Have a go at writing your own version of Oi Frog! Make sure you follow the rule and include words that rhyme.
You could try to finish these sentences or think of your own.

Hens sit on __________
Dragons sit on __________
Meerkats sit on _________
Bugs sit on __________
Spiders sit on __________
Mice sit on __________
________ sit on __________


We are looking at Statistics this week - tally charts and pictograms.
This video (up to 3mins 30) explains tally charts - don't worry about block diagrams.
This video explains pictograms.

Here are the tasks we are doing in class.


Have a fabulous summer holiday!
How many of these can you tick off?

See the National Trust website for more information.

Week Beginning 6th July 2020

Hello everyone,
I hope you have had a lovely week once again.
Miss Wright xx


Miss Wright & Mrs Minns’ groups: We are looking at c (pronounced s), g (pronounced j) and ie (pronounced ea). I have some videos and games for you to try.

Video 1 
Video 2 
Video 3

Game 1 
Game 2 
Game 3

Your spellings are: cold, cake, giant, magic, cent, nice, ginger, pie, tie, field

Mrs Hirst’s group: oi, ear, air
We are recapping some more of the Phase 3 digraphs & trigraphs this week.

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

You can also try this game (Click Me!)

Your spellings are: coin, foil, beard, near, air, hair, boil

I wanted to look at poetry for the last couple of weeks. I love the book, Oi Frog!, and it has lots of rhyming words.
Take a look at the video and try the activity.

Watch the video here!


We are continuing to look at fact families.
Try this activity.


In class we have been looking at the work of Romero Britto. We had a go at recreating some of his word art using pens and pencil crayons and incorporating patterns and different colours. Have a go at doing your own version. Here are some examples of his work.

Week Beginning 29th June 2020

Hello everyone,
Wow, I can't believe this week will be another new month - July! It feels like time has gone by so quickly.
I hope you are all still happy and healthy.
Lots of love
Miss Wright xx

Miss Wright & Mrs Minns’ groups: We are looking at i (pronounced igh) and o (pronounced oa). I have some videos and games for you to try.

Video 1
Video 2

Game 1 
Game 2

Your spellings are: find, fin, milk, remind, no, golden, polish

Mrs Hirst’s group: or, ur, ow
We are recapping some more of the Phase 3 digraphs this week.

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

You can also try this game (Click Me!)

Your spellings are: owl, town, for, burn, cow, surf, worn

We are looking at using our knowledge of addition and subtraction to identify missing numbers and related facts, eg. if 3+4=7 then we know that 4+3=7, 7-3=4 and 7-4=3.
Here are some tasks to try.

We are looking at joining sentences with 'or' 'and' & 'but'. Choose the best word to join these sets of sentences.


Revisit your coding on Espresso.

Click Here!

Then login with username: Student30918 and password: lepton

Week Beginning 22nd June 2020
Hello everyone,
Hope all our daddies and grandads had a lovely Father’s Day this weekend!
If you need the login for anything on Espresso, it is Username: Student30918, Password:lepton
Keep safe & I hope to see you soon.
Miss Wright xx

Miss Wright & Mrs Minns’ groups: ow and ou, oa and ow
I am trying to identify the Phase 5 sounds children aren’t quite as secure on, so this week we are recapping different ways to make the ou and oa sounds.

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4

Your spellings are: owl, town, cow, toad, road, oak, sound, about, snow

Mrs Hirst’s group:
oo, oo and ar
We are recapping some more of the Phase 3 digraphs this week.

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

You can also try this game (Click Me!)

Your spellings are: too, boot, park, yard, car, cook, book

We are looking at using our knowledge of tens and units to support our addition and subtraction.
Here are some tasks to try.

We are looking at using the word ‘and’ to join two sentences together. Why don’t you choose some sentences about Florence Nightingale to join together using ‘and’. Write them out neatly onto some paper or in a book.

We will be looking more at colour in Art lessons. We will be looking at the work of Kandinsky and his concentric circles work. Can you have a go at choosing primary or secondary colours to make a concentric circles picture of your own?
You could use crayons, felt tips or paint – whatever you have to hand.

Week Beginning 15th June 2020

Hi everyone,
Hope you've been keeping busy out of the rain! It's been lovely to see some of you in class and I know the rest of you will have been super busy at home!

Miss Wright

Miss Wright & Mrs Minns’ groups: aw au or
We are recapping different ways to make the or sound this week.

Spellings: for, worn, claw, paw, lawn, launch, haunt

Mrs Hirst’s group: ee igh oa
We are recapping some of the Phase 3 digraphs this week.
Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Spellings: toad, road, oak, high, light, week, see



We are recapping tens and units and looking at hundreds, tens and units this week. We will be thinking about larger and smaller numbers, comparing them and putting them in order. Here are some task cards, increasing with difficulty each time. Some task cards mention equipment so I have put some examples of printable apparatus that you may want to print or recreate.

Continuing with a colourful theme, this week we are looking at the work of Piet Mondrian. He used mainly primary colours to create his art work. Can you find out what the primary colours are and why they are special?
You could then perhaps try to recreate some of his work. The examples have used paper, but you could use felt pens, colouring pencils or paint if you wish.

Here are some examples of his work.

Here are some examples that children have done in class.




Week Beginning 8th June 2020
Hello everyone,
With some children returning to school this week I wanted to make sure the home learning reflects what we are doing in class. Remember if you need the Espresso password it is Username: Student30918, Password: lepton

I’ve got another video message for you. Use your phonics to work it out.

Miss Wright xx

Phonics & Spellings
Mrs Hirst’s group:
We are recapping Phase 3 this week
Have a go at reading and answering some of these strange questions.

Your spellings are: he, she, me, we, be, was, you, they, all, my, are her


Miss Wright & Mrs Minns’ groups:
We are recapping Phase 5 sounds this week, particularly looking at split digraphs. Here are the links to the Espresso phonics videos for the split digraphs.

a_e sound video

i_e sound video

o_e sound video

u_e sound video

I have also got some links to some games to try which encourage you to practise all your phonics. Each time make sure you are on Phase 5.

Phonics Frog Yes/No Yeti Sentence substitution (You might have to login for sentence substitution. Username: march20, Password:home)

Your spellings are: Pick some words from the Year 1 Common Exception Words to practise – preferably ones that keep tripping you up!

We are looking at adding -s and -es to the end of singular words to make them plural.
This video explains it. Click Here!
Then you can have a go at Activity 2 linked to the video, and/or look at these pictures and make the words plural.

We are going back over counting in 10s, 2s and 5s and looking at how to count objects 10, 2 or 5 at a time using our knowledge of counting in steps. We are also looking at filling in sequences that count in 10s, 2s and 5s.
Here are some activities to look at, increasing slightly in difficulty each time.

We have been thinking a lot about nurses past and present; with Florence Nightingale in the past and all the nurses and doctors of the NHS who have been working ever so hard. We have been using colourful rainbows to decorate homes and say thanks to all these special workers.
In Art we will be looking at colour. This week we will go outdoors on a colour scavenger hunt to see if we can find something for every colour of the rainbow.
Can you find different shades of the same colour eg. Different shades of green?
You could have a go too. I’ve attached a sheet if it would be helpful but you don't have to use it.

Week Beginning 1st June 2020

 Hi Class One,
Some fun things to do with measuring this week, plus some other things to look at.
Keep up with TT rockstars, phonics play etc
Have fun
Miss Wright xx

Phonics & Spellings
Mrs Hirst’s group: Watch the videos

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Your spellings are: what, when, alphabet, screw, new, elephant, blew

Miss Wright’s group: Watch the videos
Video 1

Video 2

Your spellings are: gnome, design, know, knew, wrong, write, wrap

Mrs Minns’ group: Watch the videos

Video 1

Your spellings are: could, would, should, could, couldn’t, shouldn’t

This week we will look at measuring length and height. You can try some or all of the tasks.

  1. Click here for a game! Use level 1.
  2. If you have a ruler handy at home, you could measure some objects around your house. Can you find 5 things that are longer than 30cm and 5 things shorter than 30cm? Can you find 5 things shorter than 15cm? Can you find something that is just 1cm long? Make your own challenges too!
  3. Try some of these challenges (there’s lots, so don’t worry about trying them all, just pick which ones take your fancy)



Imagine Florence Nightingale visited all the hospitals in the UK nowadays to care for all the sick people. She would have an incredibly long journey, through the 4 countries of the UK and the capital cities.

Find out more on Bitesize Click here!

What do you know about England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland?

Can you use the Internet to find out more?