Lepton CE Primary Academy Governors
Below is a list of the School Governors. Please click on their name for more information.
Role: Chair, ETHOS Committee and Curriculum Committee. Curriculum governor. RE & Collective Worship Governor.
Joined: March 2017
Category of governor: Foundation
Term of office: 1.5.2017 to 31.07.25
Employment: Director of IT business
Email: alison.grant@leptonschool.co.uk
Personal Statement:
I am a Foundation Governor (one appointed by the local church & diocese) and have two daughters in the school – I’m also a past pupil.
I joined the board of Governors for several reasons; I think it is important to volunteer time and skills to our community, I wish to help with the links between the school and the church, and I wanted to get involved in the education system that my two daughters will spend many years going through.
I have run my own IT business for over 15 years, prior to this I was an assistant producer/director for ITV. I was an active member of the congregation at St. John’s Church and now worship at Christ the King. A keen pianist, I play the piano at church and for the school on occasions. The Christian ethos of the school is important to me as a parent and a Foundation Governor, but what is more important is that the school continues to encourage all the children to think for themselves, to question, and to explore their own spirituality. I come into school every half term to lead Collective Worship.
I wish to actively contribute as a school governor to help maintain and improve the high standards already in place here at Lepton, and am attending regular governor training to improve my skills and knowledge.
Role: Member of the Curriculum and ETHOS committees.
Joined: May 2019
Category of governor: Co-opted/Staff
Personal statement
I am the Deputy Head Teacher and SENCO at Lepton whilst also having the pleasure of teaching in Key Stage 2.
I have taught at Lepton for seven years now and have enjoyed every minute of it! The children of Lepton are amazing individuals so I decided to join the Governing Body to contribute to their time at school in more ways than just within the classroom.
My role on the Governing Body allows me to help facilitate links between Governors, staff and children.
Joined: May 2023
Category of governor: Parent
Employment: Communications Manager for a Housing Association
Personal Statement:
Employment: I am a Group Director of a national housebuilder
Governor - Co-opted
Joined - Feb 2023
Personal Statement
I am a Co-opted Governor and my family have a long association with Lepton CofE School. My wife attended the school, as have all of my 3 children, 2 of which are still pupils. My mother-in-law was the long serving school secretary and my father runs the school gardening club.
I wanted to get involved as a governor to help the school provide the best possible education to children in the area. I have been very impressed and grateful for the excellent schooling my children have received at Lepton CofE and I would like to play a part in ensuring this high level of education is available for future generations in the village.
Having initially trained as a lawyer I have spent my career in housebuilding and am currently employed as a director of a national house building company based in Wakefield. I have a keen interest in Geography and History and am a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. I coach amateur boxing at Gladiators Gym in Huddersfield and believe in the benefits of individual and team sports. My family and I attend Huddersfield Christian Fellowship and I am a firm supporter of the Christian ethos of the school.
Employment: Careers Consultant in Higher Education
Category of Governor: Parent
Joined - Feb 2023
Personal Statement
I am a parent governor and have 2 boys in KS1 at Lepton.
I am originally from Manchester and previously studied Management at BCU in Birmingham after which I did absolutely nothing relevant to it for work, but worked at various places in various industries.
In 2010 I decided to change my career and move back up north. My husband and I moved to Huddersfield in 2010 and I started studying a Post Grad Diploma in Careers Guidance at Huddersfield University to get into the careers profession.
My reason for volunteering is to give something back to the community whilst using some of my transferable skills from my current and previous experience.
Since 2022, I have been doing karate, love it. I enjoy spending time with my boys and hubby, socialising with friends and family, travelling and most of all..... chocolate!
Employment - Director of the Fireplace Studio Manchester
Catagory of Governor - Co-opted
Joined - July 2024
Personal Statement
I am a mum of 2 girls one currently attending Lepton CE Academy, the other will join Reception Class next year.
I am super grateful to have the opportunity to join the Governing Body for Lepton CE as I really love all aspects of this school and want to support and encourage the staff and children who attend.
I am an Early years BA Hons Graduate who studied at Huddersfield University. During those years I was fortunate to spend a lot of time inside Primary School classrooms.
Following my studies I became manager of Fizzy Lizard before my husband & I took the plunge to open several businesses within the fireplace industry in Oldam and Manchester.
I am part of the Huddersfield Christian Fellowship and was drawn to this school for its Christian based ethos. I want to put my knowledge and passion of education to good use and am committed to ensuring standards remain high for all.
Employment - School Business Manager
Catagory of Governor - Parent
Joined - February 2025
Personal Statement
I am a busy working parent of 3 girls. One currently attends Lepton CofE Academy & another will start in Reception in September 2025. My husband was a pupil at Lepton CofE and is now a secondary school teacher.
I am originally from Bradford and have lived in Huddersfield for 7 years. I feel grateful that I can be part of the Governing Body and give back to a community that welcomed me.
I work across 2 Outstanding Maintained Nursery schools with Enhanced Provision for children with Special Education Needs & Disabilities in Bradford as the School Business Manager. I have over 20 years’ experience of the education system and the different challenges it faces.
My belief is that children should benefit from a good every day experience at school and achieve their full potential. My professional and personal experience have provided me with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of what is required from the school, parents/carers and the child to achieve this.
I have been involved with governing bodies in different schools and feel my experience and knowledge can contribute and give back to the wider community and for the benefit of pupils.
In my spare time I enjoy riding horses, reading, music & spending time with my family outdoors.
2024/2025 Meeting Dates:
- Tuesday, 15/10/2024 at 6.00pm
- Tuesday, 10/12/2024 at 6.00pm
- Tuesday 11/02/2025 at 6.00pm
- Tuesday, 18/03/2025 at 6.00pm
- Tuesday, 24/06/2025 at 6.00pm
Click: Governor information & Register of Business Interests
Governor Business Interests 2024-25
Click: Governor Attendance 23-24