Additional Educational Needs
The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) is Mrs Brook. The assistant SENCo is Katie Daw.
Please feel free to contact Mrs Brook or Mrs. Daw with any questions or queries you may have regarding your child and their additional needs.
You can contact them by email with: or
Inclusion and Special Educational Needs
We are committed to be fully inclusive where all members of our school are treated fairly and equally. By working in partnership with children, families and partner agencies, we ensure that all children receive the support they need to access all aspects of school life. We respect each child as an individual and have high expectations and aspirations for all.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child and would like to speak to us at school, then please do not hesitate to contact our SENCO - Mrs Brook.
Once you have done this, if you remain concerned and want to make a complaint about the school’s SEN Support please follow the school’s Complaint procedure.
Our Vision
At Lepton C of E Primary Academy, the term Special Education Needs (SEN) is referred to as Additional Educational Needs (AEN) and we welcome all children including those who have different learning styles and may be identified as having Additional Educational Needs (AEN) and Learning Difficulties and Disabilities (LDD). We have high expectations for our pupils and will endeavour to ensure that all children make progress in their academic as well as social and emotional development.
The school is committed to a whole school approach to inclusion and we believe that it is a shared responsibility by the whole school and all members of the school community.
We believe that inclusion is successful when attitudes are welcoming, positive and empathetic; when there is sufficient and appropriate support for the child, the parents and the school, ensuring the establishment of good links. Our priority is to ensure that a child with additional educational needs has access to the right support and to this end, we work hard to maintain links with parents and health, social care and education professionals.
The school follows the national guidance on SEN and LDD, which is set out in the revised SEN Code of Practice (2014) as well as Every Child Matters and the Disability and Discrimination Act.
Definition on Additional Educational Needs (AEN)
At Lepton C of E Primary Academy, a child is defined as having additional educational needs when their learning needs require support above and beyond that normally provided in classrooms in terms of Wave 1 Quality Teaching. The needs might be associated with social, emotional, behavioural, physical, communication, sensory needs or a combination of these.
We believe that the Five Outcomes set out in Every Child Matters Agenda are important for all children but are especially so for our most vulnerable children. The Five Outcomes - stay healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic wellbeing - inform our thinking about curriculum, classrooms and the care, guidance and support we provide for our children.
Please click the link below to access the Local Offer from Kirklees:
Click here for Kirklees Local Offer contact details
Click here for Kirklees Local Offer in schools
Click here for the Kirklees Local Offer Website
The above link takes you to the Kirklees Local Offer, which gives children and young people aged 0-25 years with
special educational needs or disabilities, and their families, information about what is available in Kirklees
across education, health and social care.
It covers:
SEND support in nurseries and schools
Health and Social Care
Choices for school leavers
Support for parents and carers
Income and benefits
Things to do where you live
Click here to view Lepton CE Primary Academy's SEN Information Report
Click here to view Lepton CE Primary Academy's AEN POLICY 24-25